Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jordan Papps powerpoint

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Jordan Papps powerpoint
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Facebook is an online social network website where you can chat and e-mail to people all over the world. I use facebook everyday to communicate with my friends both in state and out. It helps me keep organized too, because you can create a calander of events and facebook notifies you with a reminder when an event is coming up. Facebook also has applications such as games you can play and even has gone as far as providing online dating applications that lets you see peoples personal information and picture and lets you talk to them if they choose to talk back. Facebook really helps me keep in touch with all my friends in the US. I don't know what I would do without facebook. Its so easy to use too! you just have to go to the website and sign up. Then you are good to go. I think everybody who loves social networking should sign up for facebook. It is a great tool to have.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Online Scrap blog

The next technology I will explore is called online scrap booking. In online scrap booking you collect all the photos you want to share in your scrap book and then you categorize them with other pictures you want them with on a certain page. There are plenty of templates you can use for your photos. For example I chose a sports background for my scrap blog, because I had a picture from a colts party I attended. My sample scrap blog can be seen at: . I didn't have many photos uploaded but I just wanted to show everybody an example. I have never done a scrap blog before and to be honest it was fun and wasn't hard at all. All I had to was upload photos from my computer to the website, and set it up to my templates chosen. I would see myself in the future creating scrap blogs it was very fun.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I have researched podcasting and from research and personal experience I know that podcasts are series of audio and/or video files that are distributed over the internet that can be linked to mp3 players like i pods. It makes reviewing class lectures or other bits of information easy and gives you the ability to rewatch the material over and over in case you missed something.
I have had experience with podcasting and I didn't even know it. Every Thursday my church puts the services we have on the internet via podcasting and when I miss service I download the podcast onto my i pod and watch it on there. I really believe podcasting is user friendly and very easy to use for everybody.
You could visit for more information and help on examples of podcasting. The only tips and suggestions I have is just follow directions from places where podcasting is available and you should be allright.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Assistive Learning Technologies

Out of the assistive learning technologies we were supposed to experiment with, I have only had experience with the translation services provided by sites like google. I had used it in the past to translate from English to French and visa versa when I was in High School. The translation services are so helpful and it is awesome that most of them are free. However They are not completely accurate but that does not stop the service from helping complete the tasks that invovle two languages.

I was somewhat aware of the changes you could make on a computer to better someones learning ability while using it, but I did not know you could change settings for the keyboard and mouse and the fact you could format different sounds for different keys on the keyboard. I was however aware that there were certain settings for people with troubled hearing and seeing, and I think its great that computers provide these learning assistances since so many people around the world struggle with disabilities.

I was shocked at all the information I learned about photosensative epilepsy. I didn't know it was so rare, occurring in only 3-5% of the population. It also effects women more often than men. Even though there are no cures for the disease, siezures can be prevented or limited by lowering the brightness of the t.v. or computer screen. Also covering the sensative eye can help too. In most cases headaches are more common than siezures. Hopefully they can soon find a cure for this problem.

Friday, September 26, 2008

My personal information

Hello everybody, my name is Jordan Papp, and I love to play sports and hang out with friends for fun. I actually am playing basketball tonight and football tomorrow! I am not very good with computers, thats why this class has been a challenge for me so far, but I like to think I am getting better.
I thought it was fairly easy setting up this blog though and if I had to give advice to other students on how to set up a blog, I would say its easy and just follow the directions laid out by the Google web page.